I remember, when I was a child, my mother used to hand me her camera before going to our family get-togethers and tell me that I was in charge of taking the photographs. It always puts a smile on my face! She knew it was something I really enjoyed and today when I bring a camera to my eye I still share that same enthusiasm. “Make them count,” she said
I’ve always had a great sense of adventure since I was a young boy. The only thing I honestly consistently wanted more than ever was to go out and explore, and that turned into a lot of travel. I remember quite clearly promising to myself that no matter what, I would see as much of the world as I could, live and experience life to the fullest.
I’m still very much a child at heart, a free spirit. I love being a destination wedding photographer; it is the perfect lifestyle for me.
Every wedding is unique; I am honored to work closely with so many wonderful people.
Thank you for stopping by, I look forward to sharing my passion with you.
Antony Merat